
Currently List // July 6, 2021

This is what a 2 minute creative break looks like. My office is a mess because life and I’m also in the middle of a rejuvenation if you will so…this is what I was able to do today and I love the simplicity and ease of it. #dailypages are meant to be easy and @rukristin makes it even easier with the #currentlylist 🙌🏽✨
✨watching: Harry Potter ⚡️🪄
✨reading: Big Magic by @elizabeth_gilbert_writer 🌈🦄 (never gets old)
✨listening: xport playlist on @spotify🎶
✨making: business stuff 📑
✨feeling: hormonal AF because I’m not resting enough 🙃 (if you’re struggling with this, check out @thenapministry on instagram)
✨planning: more business stuff 🗂
✨loving: this WEATHER and how happy I’ve been feeling ☀️💕

💅🏽Nails are “Erica” by Revel Nail.

What are y’all up to?