Journal,  Lifestyle

On Wednesdays We Journal // 01

Babes I’m so excited to start “On Wednesdays We Journal” it’s not even funny! My goal is to keep this super simple and doable so I’ll be brief. Below you can find how to play along and some journal prompts to jog your mind if you need them. I usually don’t do prompted journaling but sometimes, one prompt can turn into 5 pages when my brain isn’t working with me.

How to Play Along

  • Grab a journal, any journal. If you’re anything like me you have a ridiculous amount of blank notebooks lying around because why the hell not? You *needed* those cute notebooks from Target and TJMaxx. Grab one of those and let’s go. If you’re more into digital journaling then your possibilities are endless – choose whatever works best for you. I have been using Day One App since 2013 but I’ve also used Microsoft Word, Canva, and my Notes App.
  • Set the vibe. Light one of those ridiculously overpriced yet glorious bath and body works candles if that’s your jam. Personally I just throw on either a lo-fi, crackling fireplace, cafe jazz, or healing music YouTube video if I need ambience. Sometimes I need silence, and other times, there is no spoon (if you know you know) vibes. I’m just journaling in the Day One app in bed before I go to sleep 🤷🏽‍♀️ use what you have, where you are.
  • Just start. Don’t worry about *thee absolute best life hack way* to start. Just date the page and start writing. Don’t worry about spelling/grammar, we’re not here to be perfect. This is our time to just dump out what’s on our mind, not superimpose more perfectionism. The world demands enough perfectionism from us as it is. And it’s fucking annoying. So don’t do that to yourself.
  • BE NICE TO YOURSELF. (#TalkToMeNicely – if you know you know) I think this is the most important of all. Be nice to yourself and acknowledge your humanity. Through journaling, I started admitting that I don’t actually always know what I’m doing, but I started telling myself that I’m figuring it out, I’m doing my best. And I am. And I started saying those things out loud…and it really does make a difference.

Journal Prompt Ideas

  • What limiting beliefs have been plaguing you? Where is it stemming from?
  • Did January’s batshit events affect your creativity?  How so?  How have you reconnected with yourself?
  • What is something you want to do to make yourself happy? Elaborate.  (or don’t, this doesn’t have to be five pages.)
  • No one is feeling their absolute best right now.  What are some changes you’ve made during quarantine to help you cope?

Now start writing! Make it easy and doable, don’t complicate it. Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and play along using the hashtag #OnWednesdaysWeJournal. Next week, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite journal things but for now, let’s just get writing.