• Journal

    On Wednesdays We Journal // 13 – Rest

    Journal Prompt: What can rest look like for you this week? Livelihood/making money aside, how can you fit rest into your day? For me it looks like: Reading instead of endlessly scrolling TikTok. No shade to TikTok; I’m obsessed with…

  • Journal,  Lifestyle

    On Wednesdays We Journal // 03: Affirmations

    Let’s talk affirmations. I think affirmations can be seen as “crunchy” due to the ✨positive vibes only/trust the universe✨ narrative you see plastered on Pinterest. And I totally get that because that’s how I saw them at first. But after…

  • Journal,  Lifestyle

    On Wednesdays We Journal // 02

    In last week’s On Wednesdays We Journal Post, I said I would share some of my favorite journal related things so let’s get into that first! Amazon – Journal Favorites these are some of my favorite items, but USE WHAT…