
Currently List // Life, RIGHT NOW: Jan 4, 2021

Every Monday (sometimes Tuesday) I do a Currently List as a super easy way to capture life, RIGHT NOW. I use these super cute Currently Cards from @rukristin and you should absolutely come join the fun and play along.


  • finished The Mandalorian Season 2 (lost my shit at the last episode!!!)
  • Wonder Woman 1984 (has anyone watched? I have…thoughts. let’s chat.)
  • Bridgerton (watched one episode and struggling to get into it. will give it another go because we love queen Shonda in this house)

reading: Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. Trying to be intentional about getting enough sleep and I hypothesize that understanding the science will help me prioritize it

listening: café jazz and my top songs of 2018 on Spotify. LOVE 2018 top songs, it has such a great mix of glee mashups/renditions, rap, Romeo + Juliet soundtrack and other throwbacks that just make me really happy. 

making: 2020 year in review notebook by everyday explorers and passion planner daily pages. I’ve used passion planner weekly before (years ago) and it just didn’t work for my life at the time. But the DAILY??? Wow, obsessed. Angela hit it out of the park with this one. She is also SUPER GENEROUS and offers a bunch of free downloads so you can see what works best for you.

feeling: a bit anxious as I return to work BUT ALSO pretty decent?

planning: 2021 stuff. I LOVE the new year so freaking much. I can’t wait to finish my 2020 year in review so I can move on and be fully present for my current 2021 album. I’m experimenting with a Citrus Twist Life Crafted Album this month and I’m really excited about it.

loving: stamps and new year plans.

What’s on your Currently List? Download the Currently Card from @rukristin and play along every Monday over on Instagram using the hashtag #currentlylist. Even if you don’t want to share, it’s still a fun and easy way to document your life. Don’t get so busy documenting everyone else that you forget to document yourself 💜