
On Wednesdays we Journal // 08 – Slow Down

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by doing too much 🙋🏽‍♀️

📌 Slide 2 – yesterday I shared this post by @mahdiwoodard on my stories, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it…

📌 Slide 3 – I AM hyper obsessed with speed and efficiency and crossing things off a never ending to do list and multi-tasking etc. It’s all quite sickening actually…Every now and then I’ll remember to 🎶TAKE A BREAK (run away with us for the summer, let’s go upstate)…🎶
But I don’t want it to be an “every now and then” thing.  I want to build rest and self care into my daily life.  If you struggle with this concept, I highly recommend checking out @thenapministry 
And actually, I saw a post JUST THIS MORNING about speed/impatience being their superpower and if you don’t ALSO go at the speed of lightning, they’re going to “eat your lunch”…Man…LOL stop it.  *very Nicki Minaj voice* ummm child, anyways…

📌 Slide 4 – journal prompts
1️⃣ Brain dump // Write it out. Draw it out. List it out. Whatever works best for you.
2️⃣ Self care, rest, slowing down, and being present are all intimately connected and can vary greatly depending on where you are in life. What does self care and rest look like for you currently? Or what do you want it to look like?
3️⃣ How can you actively incorporate self care and rest into your day?  

📌 Slide 5 – my rest and self care brainstorm. How can I fit these into my life? By scheduling them in my daily planner. Not ALL of them every single day, but a couple each day. Yes I schedule water breaks. Every single day. It works.

📌 Slide 6 – play along:
✨ grab your journal of choice
✨ set the vibe
✨ date the page. brain dump and/or pick a prompt
✨ visit my blog for more info #LinkInBio
✨ play along using #OnWednesdaysWeJournal

If you missed last week’s post, fret not, I JUST published it today because I’m human LOL. Moral of the story: get shit done, but be a human not a machine.