Lifestyle,  Movies & Shows


Ok, be honest. How many times this past weekend did you watch Hamilton? AT LEAST 5 times, amirite?! I didn’t know what to expect going in besides greatness and representation (and y’all know in this house we believe #RepresentationMatters✊🏽) and a killer soundtrack. To be honest I intentionally had not listened to the entire soundtrack/read reviews etc. because I KNEW in my heart I would see it one day. It simply was non-negotiable. In fact, the only reason I listened to ANY of the soundtrack at all is because Robin’s Peloton class featuring the soundtrack was rumored to be the greatest of them all (next to the Lizzo ride of course). And, spoiler alert: that ride is KILLER. #HurtsSoGood

I cried almost the entire time because it’s so moving. The stage. The ROTATING stage. The rewind scenes. The CHOREOGRAPHY. The lighting. The casting. The SOUNDTRACK. The wardrobe. The ENSEMBLE. You find something new each time, it is so jam packed!

Friday morning I was out picking up my grocery order when my bff informed me Hamilton had been released at 3am. WHAT?! I wasn’t expecting it to be released until that evening so I frantically check Disney+ and IT’S AVAILABLE. I damn near speed home, throw my groceries in the fridge and turn it on. I didn’t even have time for snacks!

First of all let me just say that as soon as Disney displayed the castle (per their usual) I had goosebumps. And let me be clear – the goosebumps did not go away the entire time. About 10 mins in I speculated that this could replace Wicked as my #1 (Defying Gravity, anyone?) Less than 5 mins later I confirmed it. 


I think Hamilton was made even more special for me because New York is one my favorite places on this earth. I love it. Anytime someone sings about it in an inspirational way, I get goosebumps. Every time. Additionally, this play is so multifaceted and touches on so many character’s stories…ugh I loved every single second of it. (Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?) Even the love scenes which, if you know me at all you know I’m choosy about my love scenes. But watching the Eliza/Alexander love scene play out I found myself basically swooning at the tv. 

And that’s another thing. Words cannot describe how GRATEFUL I am to be able to watch Hamilton. A show I didn’t know if I would be able to see on broadway anytime soon. I would have done ANYTHING including purchasing season tickets for my local broadway shows (that, quite frankly, other than Hairspray, I had next to zero interest in) simply to guarantee a *possibility* for me to see Hamilton next year.

Look around, look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now. Not only have I seen it, I’ve seen it multiple times from the comfort of my own home. #Blessed. And don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to have seen it on broadway, in New York, with the original cast. But while it didn’t happen under the circumstances of how I *wished* it could have happened, it still happened. And I am still grateful.