
On Wednesdays We Journal // 11 – Pandemic Fueled Anxiety

Pandemic fueled anxiety is a very real and valid thing. Please know that if you’re feeling anxious, you’re not alone. These are such weird f’ing times. I saw a meme that said “this pandemic is the worst group project I have ever been a part of.” And it’s true!

One thing I know for sure is that journaling helps me clear my mind. Exercise helps move anxious energy through (and out of) my body. Music heals my soul/spirit and raises my vibration. And of course, rest.

What helps you move through anxiety?

Journal Prompts for Pandemic Fueled Anxiety

First, I started with a brain dump. I used part of that session to vent about how upset some people’s behavior toward the pandemic (aka complete disregard) made me feel. If venting ABOUT people’s behavior doesn’t quite sit right with you, then write it like you’re venting TO that person. You could write a letter to the person addressing all the things that have been on your mind. A lot of surprising behavior emerged, I had A LOT to say.

Next, I went through the list of prompts and made little lists. Remember, journaling doesn’t have to be a lot.

Lessons from 2020 to apply moving forward

These are some of my top learned lessons from 2020 that I’m applying moving forward. What a freaking year. While we still don’t have all of the answers, we have SOME. And that’s more than we had last year.

Things that make me feel better

I know people generally say to avoid caffeine when you’re feeling anxious but…idk man caffeine works for me. I just don’t overdo it. Know thyself.

Working out is a HUGE factor in my ensuring my pillars of health and chakras are aligned. I *need* a good daily sweat. I love Peloton but YouTube has lots of free fitness videos – FitnessBlender is a favorite.

Also, immersing myself in my hobbies that I mostly “never had time for” pre-pandemic. I actually loved being able to deep dive into my hobbies – they keep me creatively grounded.

How to journal along with me

For this particular session I highly recommend fully unplugging if you can. Phone on do not disturb. Music if you want, but I opted for silence – I needed to be focused. Do whatever you need, make this work for you and your style.